

The team at Ensemble Video is focused on developing video technologies that enable efficient, coordinated, and collaborative video capture, management and delivery in any organization. Ensemble Video, Ensemble Anthem and Ensemble Studio are flexible, easy to use, and integrate easily with a wide range of complementary video and Web technologies.

Key Value Areas

Simplifies Video Workflows

Reduces operational costs to support both live event video streaming or content ingest from diverse sources such as video cameras, mobile videocams or stored content including third party repositories such as YouTube.

Facilitates Non-Technical Administration

Provides a flexible framework that supports both technical and non-technical video administration and centralized or decentralised operations within complex organisational business structures.

Highly Secure

Implements extensive security controls to ensure video is viewed only by authorized users and groups.

Optimum User Experience

Achieves seamless video streaming no matter which device your viewers are using and delivers optimum video quality by dynamically adapting to the network bandwidth of each viewer.

Interactive Communication and Learning

Provides powerful in-video search features and interactive tools such as in-video learning quizzes.

Streamlines Operations

Integration with other third party systems such as Learning Management Systems to provide more streamlined workflows.

Low Cost Of Ownership

Extremely competitive pricing plans, practical customer support and a choice of  deployment models including on-premise, cloud or hybrid implementations.

Fully Proven and Sustainable

Successful track record with hundreds of deployments.  The software is in continual development with a key focus to ensure a balance of strong new features while at the same time ensuring continued low cost pricing plans.


Video Platform Comparison Guide


Download Ensemble Video's

comparison guide to learn:

  • What kinds of questions you should consider when evaluating your institution's security needs
  • How the key players in the university video industry are similar to and different from one another
  • Whether the tools and technologies you already use will integrate with Ensemble Video
  • How to find the right level of customer support for your university at the investment level you're comfortable with

YouTube Isn't Enough


Download Ensemble Video's

guide to learn:  

  • The importance of security and privacy for your academic content
  • The benefits of a unified video management and publishing system
  • The importance of full-autonomy in video curation

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